Thursday, May 27, 2010

Full Steam Ahead….Comes to A Screeching Halt

Everyone experiences days where you feel all gung-ho, full of energy and ready to do the things that you need to do for the day. Most people can maintain that energy for the majority of the time that they’re out doing whatever errands that need to be done. Imagine being all ready for action, but, by the time you’ve gotten dressed, painted on the face that the public knows you to have, and have your teeth and hair brushed, being SO drained, that all you want to do is go back to bed. That is my life right now. Keep in mind, this is no pity party or “Oh, poor Christine” moment, it’s just reality for me at this time in my life. Hopefully, it will be God’s will to take this illness away and life can go back to normal for me, but, at this juncture, He has decided that it isn’t meant to be.

I have learned to cope with the sudden onset of “The Sleepies”, but I don’t know if the people around me have yet. So, if I suddenly nod off while we are having a conversation, I apologize in advance. It’s nothing personal, it just means that life has caught up with me and I couldn’t fight it anymore. That happened just yesterday. My mom and I were running errands in Hemet, which, being in Hemet alone would make ANYONE sleepy, and on the drive back home, I just couldn’t fight “The Sleepies” anymore and I dozed off for a couple of minutes; hence my being up at 4:30am. Just a little nod off during the day can throw off my whole sleeping pattern, but at least I went to bed at 10:30, so I got a fair amount of sleep.

My life kind of runs off of sugar highs and sugar lows from these lozenges my mom got me for dry mouth (my meds give me BAD dry mouth), so I usually pep up after having one of the lozenges, but you can tell when they have worn off because then my eyes start to droop and so does my head and then you start to get to see just how pretty God made the top of my head. I mean, considering that my dad likes to rub it in that I was a serious “conehead” when I was born, it’s not so bad now; so if you catch me dozing off, admire it and compliment me later, I’d appreciate it.

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