Friday, May 14, 2010

Another Notch In the Belt of A Bad Day

Normally, when one says they are “putting a notch in their belt” for something, it has a negative connotation, but one that is more of a “badge of honor” in the male world. Today I am continuing to use it as something negative, but it has NOTHING to do with being a badge of honor for a man accomplishing anything “manly” or a woman accomplishing anything “womanly”. All night long I felt REALLY nauseous, I mean, we’re talking from the moment I hit the sheets, to the moment that I woke up this morning I felt sick to my stomach. I ate breakfast (1/4 cup cottage cheese and an Activia) and than began getting ready so that my ride could take me to drop off my paperwork at work. Just before we were about to leave, I had to run—and by “run”, I mean hobble slower than a snail—into the bathroom and emptied my stomach of its contents.

For the ride to work I laid back and “enjoyed” the ride and then after that my ride and I had to do some errands at Target. I got myself one of those fancy-schmancy wheelchairs and we buzzed—at the amazing breakneck speed of .2 mph—around Target to get essentials. When we got to the checkout counter and I finished paying, I told my ride “I think I need to go throw up”, so I drove the cart over toward the bathroom and then hobbled into the restroom and into a stall where I locked myself in.

Now, vomiting is unpleasant no matter where you are. I suppose the “best” place to do it is at home, but doing it in a public bathroom is the worst because you just do not know who’s tooshie has been sitting on that toilet seat that you’ve got your face shoved into; but necessity is the mother of invention; or, in this case, necessity is the mother of accepting the circumstance, so down I went. Sadly, my stomach was completely empty and I was left with nothing but the worst case of dry heaves that I have ever experienced in my entire 30 years of existence. It was SO bad, that I literally thought that I was going to dislocate my eyes from their sockets, that’s how bad the heaving was! When I left the bathroom stall a total stranger had to help me get a paper towel and mop off my face because I was crying from the pain of heaving…I thought that SURELY I had busted blood vessels in my eyes, but amazingly enough, I didn’t!

My ride got me home and I changed into my PJs and took my medicine, removed what little make-up I had put on—which hurt because the dry heaving left A LOT of pressure behind my eyes—and passed out on the couch for 3 hours. My beloved friend and Sista-Mama Maria came by to see me and said, “You look like you need to be back in the hospital” and, to be completely honest, I do feel like I need to be back in there. Do I WANT to be in the hospital? HECK no! But my condition, so far, has not improved, barely maintained, if not slightly declined since my release a week ago.

At this point my plan of attack is to see how tomorrow morning goes and if it is anything like it was today I am going to urgent care to be seen. According to my doctor’s visit on Wednesday, my nutrition level and hydration level were JUST inside the normal range, so I can only imagine what they might be like right now. Knowing the “luck” that I have had this entire illness, they are still just within the normal range, but I guess that will remain to be seen if I end up at the doctor. I will keep everyone as posted as I can, especially if I end up readmitted into the hospital.

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