Friday, April 9, 2010

Uhhhhh…Yeah, you know, THAT thing!

People who know me, know that I am a stickler for spelling, grammar, and just about anything related to words in general. I am a walking dictionary and thesaurus all wrapped up into one (big) package. Unfortunately, because my brain is trying so hard to communicate with my ears and my eyes to get them going in the right direction—more precisely, getting ME going in the right direction—I have begun forgetting things. Prior to this I could remember my schedule as well as the schedule of my friends and family, but right now I am lucky if I can even keep the days of the week straight much less what the date might be. I have also begun forgetting the names of every day items like “oven”, “chicken”, and “car”; which, for a person that is VERY language oriented, is VERY frustrating! I do not like forgetting things, spelling things wrong, or using improper grammar, it’s just one of my (many) eccentricities.

I used to be really good at remembering things that have happened in the past—i.e. childhood memories or things that happened last year or just last week—but ever since the headaches and vertigo have progressed I can barely remember what I said ten seconds ago let alone what I might have done the day before. I pray that these things will come back to normal once my brain/ears are communicating and functioning properly. It makes me feel like my IQ—which, to some, might have been questionable to begin with (that’s an attempt at humor)—has dropped significantly, not to mention my comprehension level. Sometimes, when people are explaining things to me, I’m quite certain they can see their words leave their mouth, fly through the air toward my head, and proceed to bounce off my forehead and fall to the floor, leaving them the task of re-explaining everything to me. Now, I’ve never claimed to be the absolute sharpest tool in the shed, but I am generally thought of as being a rather intelligent person, but lately I have become totally Forrest Gump-ified. So, until I am back to normal, use small words and be prepared to repeat yourself several times!

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