Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hello!? Have You Forgotten About Me?!

Is it just me or does it seem as if everyone that you call friend seems to suddenly disappear, fall off the map, leave the face of the earth when you need them the most? When your friend is hurting, whether it is from some kind of emotional distress, illness, tragedy within their family, whatever the case may be, aren’t we supposed to be running TO them and not AWAY from them? Even if we don’t think the situation our friend is going through is all that big of a deal, shouldn’t we take into consideration what THEY are feeling and thinking and put aside our own thoughts so that we can be there for them in their hour of need?

I’m not pointing fingers, complaining, or on the attack, I’m just merely making an observation. I would like to think that I have been there for my friends in their hour of need, but maybe there have been times where I HAVE missed out on the opportunity of being there for them, but it wasn’t done on purpose, and I apologize to anyone I might have hurt by not being there for them. We all make mistakes, have little slip ups in our relationships with others, even those people within our own families.

I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel forgotten by some people in my life, because I do. I know that there are many faithful ones out there who have shown their concern for me and my health, texting me, e-mailing me, calling, or coming to visit—which is no easy feat considering I live in Outer Mongolia—and I appreciate those people more than words can describe. Trust me, I know that we all lead busy lives, have issues of our own to deal with, and we sometimes forget about other people in our lives who need a little encouragement. I would probably say that I have done that myself, time gets away from you and you forget about things and/or people that are not right in front of you at the moment.

I would like to challenge everyone tonight—well, by the time you get this, it will probably be morning—to call up, text, or e-mail someone that God has put on your heart or someone that you have heard about “through the grapevine” that is hurting and give them a call and let them know that you were thinking about them and want to know how they are doing. Who knows, that one little phone call, text, or e-mail COULD mean the difference between life and death for someone.

"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17


  1. Good point, Christine! If only everyone was a little less selfish, this world would be a better place!

  2. Christine,
    We really don't talk much, but hey, I really don't talk to anyone nowadays, but I did want to let you know I do read your blog. But as I sit here and think about what you just wrote, I think sometimes people pull away because they feel helpless. I read your post and for some reason guilt pours over me because there is absolutely nothing I can say or do to make this thing go away. It sucks. We never really hung out in school, but it's hurtful to know that someone you know is hurting and all you can do is stand there. Anyway- I don't want to make excuses for others, but I'm with you in spirit. I pray that all this comes to end for you soon. Keep up your spirits. -Melanie

  3. Hey Melanie...thanks for commenting on my post and thinking of me, I really appreciate it. A person just gets a little lonely when all they can do is lay around and not much else. Hopefully people will accept the challenge I put before them and contact whomever God puts on their heart; it doesn't HAVE to be me, but it is nice hearing from people.

  4. You know Im here for you sista day or night. I pray that they could find a cure for your illness soon. I miss hanging out with you at the gym and just chillin out together. I miss your vibrant and fun spirit, like I told you before when your up to it we will go out and celebrate life and have a day at the spa or what ever you want to do. I know if you had the energy we could do all that now, but sitting at home with you and hanging out is nice. It just breaks my heart to see you feel so bad. Keep the faith sista you will get better.
    Love ya,
    Maria (aka) sista mama
