Friday, April 23, 2010

Keeping Perspective When You’re Perspective Tends To Be A Little Skewed

When you’re sick—especially if it’s for a long period of time—is hard to keep everything in perspective. I think that natural human tendencies are to think that we have got to be the person suffering the most in the world; when, in actuality, your affliction probably pales in comparison to what other people all over the world are experiencing. Yes, I have been suffering from vertigo and migraines for 9 weeks (not that I’m counting…All right, I am counting, I can’t help it, there’s not much else I can do without getting sick) and have been unable to eat much of anything for the last month, but there is someone out there, maybe even just down the street, that is suffering FAR more than I am. It’s not to say that within my little bubble my illness should be dismissed, but I know that I have it much better than other people in the world.

There are people in this country and countries all over the world that are starving to death, while my cupboards are fully stocked (though I cannot eat any of it right now) and I have access to clean water, a bed of my own, and a house that I call home. But then you think of the different countries around the world, Kenya, Uganda, Malaysia, and others that do not have those luxuries. I also have the means needed to go to the doctor to be treated and given the medicine that I need to hopefully resolve my illness; but in other countries, Rwanda, Cambodia, Thailand, and the like do not. There are people in our very own country who don’t have these same luxuries either!

I, personally, am doing the best that I can to keep this illness of mine in perspective, knowing that I’m not as bad off as someone else out there on this earth. Naturally there are days where you just cannot avoid feeling like the only one in the whole wide world that is suffering beyond description, but with a little bit of self-reflection and a lot of prayer, you will come back to reality.

Please watch the video that I have linked to this blog. It’s about David Cook’s trip to Ethiopia recently and what he learned about life in that country. I strongly encourage people to donate to organizations like World Vision and Compassion International so that you might be able to take part in helping someone’s life.

David Cook in Ethiopia

Compassion International

World Vision

Mercy Ships

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