Friday, October 1, 2010

Tears Behind Closed Doors

When people see me out and about they usually comment on how good I look and how good I sound…I’d imagine the looks have a lot to do with the 66+ pounds that I’ve lost (I’ve lost an elementary school child!)…But I suppose it also has something to do with the fact that I don’t dress in a bathrobe and slippers, looking all dumpy and forlorn due to my present circumstances. There’s a reason behind my dressing and acting more upbeat than I actually feel: I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer for those around me. Who wants to be around a Gloomy Gus all of the time? I certainly don’t want to and I’m the one that feels like a semi-truck has taken residence on top of my body!!

By-and-large I have taken the approach that there are people out there in the world whose situations are FAR worse than mine. That, and knowing that God has a plan and purpose behind all of this, has helped me get through the nearly 8 months of this illness. I know that I could be confined to a wheelchair, dependent upon tubes of all sorts to keep me alive; bed-ridden and on life support; or a whole host of other scenarios that are FAR worse than what I’m going through. So, Porcelain John and I have grown to have a close relationship; granted, he’s not the Prince Charming I’ve been dreaming of all of my life, but things could be worse!

However, there’s a flip-side to all of this tough exterior and humor that I put out. There are tears that I have cried that I have not let others see or hear. I can’t tell you exactly why I haven’t allowed people to see these tears…I think part of it is that I feel misunderstood. I might LOOK fine. I might SOUND fine…but I’m not. This illness has taken SO much away from me….ripped friends away from me because I’m unable to participate in their lives because I lack the energy and become a burden to take anywhere because I have to be wheeled around in a wheelchair. I can’t drive anywhere so people have to come to me. I am NOT trying to make ANYONE feel bad…this is just how this illness is making ME feel bad!

I love everyone and I appreciate your prayers more than words can express! I just needed you all to know that, even though I might LOOK fine and SOUND fine, I’m putting on a show for your benefit so that I’m not a Debbie Downer because there are enough of those kinds of people who come by it naturally in this world.


  1. Christine, I'm so sorry for your pain and frustration. I know exactly how you feel. When I'm out at church, work or with friends, I look "healthy". I do this as to not draw attention to myself and make others feel good as well as myself. I've found it is a balance with pride and honesty in yourself. I now go out and not try so hard for others sake and am more honest with my appearance. What's important is that we bring glory to God in all we say and do and not let the focus be on our circumstances but on him. Can I get an amen?

    Love you girl,


  2. Amen! Thanks, Jodi, I know that you of all people would understand the most.

  3. My friend! Well first i want to say thank you for being so very vulnerable. I can only imagine what you go through emotionally and physically everyday. Although you've yet to shed tears in front of me I would be humbled and honored to help carry a fraction of what you carry everyday. We are the "body' my friend, as you well know. Allow us to do our part to comfort you and bring God the glory as you so desire . See you in mid october???

    Love Gina

  4. Thanks, Gina. Just let me know the date and I'll be there!
