Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Last week was a hard week for me. I had to wean off of my meds that had finally gotten me sleeping through the night and not upchucking every two seconds so that I could have a VNG (videonystagmagogrophy) test on the 8th. I did the best that I could weaning myself off, but in order to make it to church on Sunday I HAD to take an anti-emetic medication, but by Monday morning, I was a mess. I was throwing up bright yellow bile (TMI, I know) and in so much pain.

My mom called the audiologist and he said that it sounded like with or without the medication I was too sick to undergo the VNG, so I ended up not having that test. He said it would be better for me to have it down the road when I’m not so ill. I have officially lost 40 pounds because I cannot eat much of anything, partially due to the illness, partially due to one of the medications that I am taking. We all know I’m a beefy girl and can stand to lose a few 40 pounds, so it’s no big deal, but the method in which I am losing the weight is the problem. I am basically starving myself to death, even though I try to force myself to eat a little something; and I still throw up every now and again, but I’ve got that down to such a science, I need to put it down as a skill on my resume.

I just need people to understand that, while I may not LOOK ill, I really AM. They just don’t know what it is yet. I had another MRI on Monday that was focused in on my inner ears to see if there are any tumors or malformations or anything of the inner ears and I see my new Neurologist this Thursday to see what she thinks of all of this nonsense. I’m realistic that this could be permanent. Naturally, I want to be healed, but if that’s not in God’s plan for me, I’m down with it, because there’s nothing that I can do to change it. I’ve already decided that if I’m going to be in a wheelchair I’m going have it upholstered with zebra print or if I have to use arm canes I want them spray painted with zebra stripes, maybe some cute skulls and cross bones, something to make it Christine! You all know that I take things in stride pretty well, so that’s what I’m doing now.

That’s the skinny for now.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see you last Sunday! You look dramitically different...sorry it has come at such a cost. I'm still praying.
    Love ya,
